Saturday, March 30, 2013

NOTW: Stiletto nails in Barry M's 'Bright red'

Hello lovely bloggers,
I haven't done a nail post in SO long! 

I've been seeing stiletto nails absolutely everywhere recently. They seem to be all the rage. A
Although i originally did not like the pointed tips, they've really grown on me. So i decided to use artificial nails to create my own!

To create the actual stiletto/almond nail shape, i followed this youtube tutorial.  Its so simple to do, and looks just as good as having your nails professionally done! 

I painted the nails before i applied them though so they would remain neat, without smudges (i'm terrible when it comes to letting nail polish air dry on my actual nails). This is why they look so sleek/neat for a change!

The colour i used is an old favourite of mine. It's Barry M's nail polish in the colour 'Bright Red'. Its such a gorgeous post box red colour, and is by far my favourite tone of red to wear. Its so bright, yet still remains quite a classy colour to wear.  It also looks amazing with a tan!

opaque nails from ebay, found here 

Due to my terrible nail biting habit, i have literally no nails, so the only way i could actually do this look was to use artificial nails. The nails i used were from an ebay seller found here.  For 200 short/medium nails in the colour 'opaque', it only cost me £2.99 + 99p postage.  Pretty cheap! And the nails are great quality. BEcause they're all attached together, it makes it so easy to paint them before attaching them to your nails. They do come with their own nail glue but it isn't as good as this nail glue (1.99 for two bottles, and they last AGES).

I'm finding it hard to adjust to having long nails, but i love the way the look so i'm making myself get used to them!

Have you tried stiletto nails? What do you think of this nail style?


  1. Ahh I'm the same I have a terrible nail biting soon I'm nervous or bored I bite them all off its awful!! Nails look lovely I love the red nail polish, very Lulu Guiness-esque!

    Katie xxx

  2. I did exactly this and had the nails on for nearly a month, I got so many compliments from my Louboutin stiletto nails! I had to take them off eventually to let my natural nails breathe and repair any damage from the glue!

    Yours are looking lovely! :)

    Isabella xo

  3. love the shade and your watch!! (:

    xx S.

  4. WOW! I love your nails love how you have shaped them too very pretty! xx

    I have nominated you for the Liebster Award check it out here and leave your reply in the comments box if you take part :) and wishing you a very Happy Easter too =^.^= x

  5. Wow, I love that colour! Somehow Barry M always stains my nails really badly though even with a base coat so I don't use much of it!

    I've nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award - please see my most recent post for details :) xx

  6. I have this colour and love it so much. It looks great on you!
    I've just followed you :)


  7. really pretty color, perfect for spring/summer;)X


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