Saturday, February 16, 2013

How to go from dark brown to blonde! ColourB4 review + new hair

By now i've realised how many posts i've dedicated to my hair, it's getting out of hand!
Unfortunately i'm one of those people who just can't leave their hair alone :(

I did say i was only going to be brunette for winter, and as soon as it hit january, i decided it wasn't winter anymore (even though it clearly is).

So without further do, here is how i achieved it without killing my hair!

ColourB4 extra strength:

This is a product i've used before, and i swear by it whenever i'm trying to remove dark hair. It really is the best way to do it without destroying your hair with bleach!

I bought mine from boots, for £11.99 (available here)

I bought the extra strength as my hair was quite a dark brown, and had been dyed a few times since i went dark as well.

The product works as a colour stripper, it reduces all the artificial pigment using the mixture you're given, and then you wash or 'buff' it out for about 15 minutes in the shower! It really is brilliant.
I wouldn't say it doesn't damage your hair at all, but its no where near as damaging as bleach.

The mixture absolutely STINKS.  It smells like rotten eggs, but thats down to the chemicals that are used to strip your hair, so there isn't actually much you can do about that, but it works great!

I would definitely recommending sticking EXACTLY to the instructions in the leaflet, the product will not work properly if you do not follow the instructions properly.

Anyway, here's what my hair looked like just before i used colourb4:

(before i washed out the colour b4)


As you can see, it worked excellently at removing my previous colour! I was so happy with the result! However, i still wanted to go blonder, so i used the same highlighting kit (Jerome Russell Bblonde) i used in a previous blog post (found here: DIY highlights at home)

I've also been using this shampoo recently too, to rid me of any brassiness:

Touch of Silver: Twice a week brightening shampoo.
This shampoo has been a life saver with freshening my blonde and keeping it from going that awful butter yellow blonde. I'd definitely recommend it!

available from super drug and savers

and here is the result!

the lighting is very yellow here, but my hair is ash blonde :)

Have you tried colour b4?


  1. your hair still looks lovely quality! I'm terrible for changing my hair.. next time I go lighter I'll give this a try :) ooh Alexia I tagged you in the 'What's Your Chat, Blogger?' tag I made, just to let you know, if you're up for it! :)

    Katie x

    1. thank you! i definitely recommend it if you ever want to go lighter :) thanks for the tag, i'll definitely do it :D


  2. I used the colour B4 on my hair when I dyed it black. Its amazing. I'm now blonde too!

    - Keyta

    1. its definitely one of the best products for getting rid of the dark! yay for blonde!

  3. looks gorg<3 I do the same, brunette for the winter months and blonde when it's getting near summer! love being back a blondie <3

    1. thank you! i love being blonde again for summer! i feel like it puts me in a better mood :)

  4. That turned out really nice

  5. Such a lovely hair color - BUT your eyelines are JUST AMAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZING:)!


  6. You look stunning! i love that purple shampoo too! x

    1. thank you so much! and that purple shampoo is a life saviour for blondes!

  7. love the new look!
    new follower here. follow back? (:

    xx S.

  8. Well, all I have to say about this post is...LOVING the Alan Partridge picture. Amazing! "Stop doing Bond wrong"

    Now following, follow back if you like?

    1. haha i'm a massive alan partridge fan! i have a little alan partridge shrine on my wall :P lovely blog btw! am following xxx

  9. I love your hair colour it looks great. Ie been deliberating over buying ColourB4 to remove this stubborn red/mahogany dye that was meant to be semi-permanent but is still stuck in my hair months later! I'm just worried about it turning brassy. Great review- I'm tempted to buy it again! X x

    1. i've only just seen this comment, but i definitely reccomend trying it out! if your hair does turn brassy, a silver shampoo is perfect for adding more of an ash tone! regardless of whether its brown or blonde! and thankyou :D

  10. You look gorgeous with both but I love the blonde hair!

    New follower :) follow back? x

  11. I've been blonde for 6 years so have just gone dark xx

    mac lipstick giveaway.

  12. This is a lovely colour! really suits you :)

    Your blog is lovely! just started follwing you!

    Rachel x

  13. heyy i love your hair it just looks wow im a new folowerr
    check my blog out comment and follow back if you like what you see :)


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